Microbial communities in the surface mucopolysaccharide layer and the black band microbial mat of black band-diseased Siderastrea sidereaArticle
Sekar, Raju, Mills, DeEtta K, Remily, Elizabeth R et al. (2006). Microbial communities in the surface mucopolysaccharide layer and the black band microbial mat of black band-diseased Siderastrea siderea
. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 72(9), 5963-5973. 10.1128/AEM.00843-06
Sekar, Raju, Mills, DeEtta K, Remily, Elizabeth R et al. (2006). Microbial communities in the surface mucopolysaccharide layer and the black band microbial mat of black band-diseased Siderastrea siderea
. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 72(9), 5963-5973. 10.1128/AEM.00843-06