Augmented Reality Immersive Experience: A Study on The Effects of Individuals’ Big Five Personality Traits Article

Ghafoori, A, Merhi, MI, Gupta, M et al. (2024). Augmented Reality Immersive Experience: A Study on The Effects of Individuals’ Big Five Personality Traits . COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 55 763-809. 10.17705/1CAIS.05528

cited authors

  • Ghafoori, A; Merhi, MI; Gupta, M; Kadian, A; Ruan, Y


  • The use of immersive technologies such as augmented reality (AR) on social media platforms has drastically increased in the past few years. As AR technologies focus on providing individual experiences, it becomes critical to understand how individual differences affect AR immersive experiences. In this study, we draw on the Big-Five model to examine the impact of personality traits on AR immersive experiences. Through a survey involving 331 participants from Amazon MTurk, we explore the varied effects of personality traits on AR immersive experiences. To ensure the robustness of the results, we utilized both variance-based SEM and co-variance-based SEM. Results show that agreeableness and openness positively affect the AR immersive experience, while conscientiousness partially influences the AR immersive experience. Theoretically, our findings elucidate the influence of personality traits on AR immersion. In addition, our study offers important practical implications for social media and brand managers. These implications provide important design considerations that can enhance user experiences in AR environments.

publication date

  • January 1, 2024

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 763

end page

  • 809


  • 55