Electrochemical Reduction of Nitrogen to Ammonia at Ambient Conditions Using 2D Metal-Organic Frameworks Article

Hassan, Mohamed H, Andreescu, Emanuela. (2021). Electrochemical Reduction of Nitrogen to Ammonia at Ambient Conditions Using 2D Metal-Organic Frameworks . MA2021-01(45), 1793-1793. 10.1149/ma2021-01451793mtgabs

cited authors

  • Hassan, Mohamed H; Andreescu, Emanuela

publication date

  • May 30, 2021


  • 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 2 Zero Hunger
  • 34 Chemical Sciences
  • 3402 Inorganic Chemistry
  • 40 Engineering
  • 4016 Materials Engineering

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)


  • The Electrochemical Society

start page

  • 1793

end page

  • 1793


  • MA2021-01


  • 45