Bulk refrigeration of fruits and vegetables part II: Computer algorithm for heat loads and moisture loss Article

Becker, BR, Misra, A, Fricke, BA. (1996). Bulk refrigeration of fruits and vegetables part II: Computer algorithm for heat loads and moisture loss . HVAC&R RESEARCH, 2(3), 215-230. 10.1080/10789669.1996.10391345

cited authors

  • Becker, BR; Misra, A; Fricke, BA



  • A computer algorithm was developed that estimates the latent and sensible heat loads due to the bulk refrigeration of fruits and vegetables. The algorithm also predicts the commodity moisture loss and temperature distribution which occurs during refrigeration. Part I focused upon the thermophysical properties of commodities and the flowfield parameters which govern the heat and mass transfer from fresh fruits and vegetables. This paper, Part II, discusses the modeling methodology utilized in the current computer algorithm and describes the development of the heat and mass transfer models. Part II also compares the results of the computer algorithm to experimental data taken from the literature, and, describes a parametric study which was performed with the algorithm. In addition, this paper also reviews existing numerical models for determining the heat and mass transfer in bulk loads of fruits and vegetables. © 1996 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

publication date

  • January 1, 1996

published in

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 215

end page

  • 230


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