Miniaturizing Microstrip Antennas Using the Frequency Pulling Technique Conference

Koutinos, AG, Zekios, CL, Georgakopoulos, SV. (2024). Miniaturizing Microstrip Antennas Using the Frequency Pulling Technique .

cited authors

  • Koutinos, AG; Zekios, CL; Georgakopoulos, SV


  • Antenna miniaturization is traditionally achieved at the expense of bandwidth. In this work, we show the feasibility of miniaturizing microstrip antennas without compromising their bandwidth. Namely, we achieve that by utilizing our recently presented frequency pulling technique. To showcase the effective-ness of our method, we apply it to a microstrip patch antenna. Specifically, by utilizing our technique, we successfully decrease its aperture size by a factor of four while maintaining both its original height and bandwidth.

publication date

  • January 1, 2024