Mobilizing Whiteness: Race, Futurity, and Globalization of Higher Education Book Chapter

Shahjahan, RA, Edwards, KT. (2023). Mobilizing Whiteness: Race, Futurity, and Globalization of Higher Education . 328-347. 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197570685.013.40

cited authors

  • Shahjahan, RA; Edwards, KT


  • Amid growing debates about globalization of higher education (HE), an analysis of race as a structural force underlying this global phenomenon remains undertheorized. Drawing on the Whiteness as futurity framework (Shahjahan & Edwards, 2022), this chapter provides a critical race temporal account of globalization of HE by critically examining mobility trends in global HE, namely: (a) mobility of imaginaries, (b) mobility of people, and (c) mobility of resources. It demonstrates how Whiteness as futurity colonizes (or orients) global subjects’ imaginaries and reinforces the asymmetrical movements, networks, and untethered economies underpinning global HE. The chapter concludes that globalization discussions need to consider its own complicity, tensions, and complexity with modern-onto-epistemic grammar and desires for quick fixes.

publication date

  • January 1, 2023

start page

  • 328

end page

  • 347