Latino Fathers Book Chapter

Rothe, E, Pumariega, AJ. (2024). Latino Fathers . 103-114. 10.4324/9781003474579-10

cited authors

  • Rothe, E; Pumariega, AJ



  • This chapter begins by noting that generalizations regarding “Latino fatherhood” are difficult. The North American Latino population is comprised of individuals representing nearly 20 different nationalities. This, in turn, implies variations in value systems, moral dictates, myths and fable, and internalized historical legacies. In addition, there is the powerful or diluted impact of immigration, depending upon the duration for which the families have been in the United States. Socioeconomic status also plays a role here. Given so many variables only a tentative portrayal of Latino fatherhood can be evolved. Such a portrayal shows that current Latino fathers, as opposed to those decades ago, are far more involved with the upbringing of their children (even during their infancy and toddlerhood) and have greater egalitarian attitudes. The authors assert that such deeper investment on men’s part in their fatherhood role results in greater social competence and adjustment of their offspring.

publication date

  • January 1, 2024

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 103

end page

  • 114