#636 Palliative care attitude and knowledge of clinicians attending to cervical cancer patients in moi teaching and referral hospital, Kenya
Mburu, Anisa, Itsura, Peter, Shaffi, Afrin et al. (2023). #636 Palliative care attitude and knowledge of clinicians attending to cervical cancer patients in moi teaching and referral hospital, Kenya
. a336.2-a3a337. 10.1136/ijgc-2023-esgo.707
Mburu, Anisa, Itsura, Peter, Shaffi, Afrin et al. (2023). #636 Palliative care attitude and knowledge of clinicians attending to cervical cancer patients in moi teaching and referral hospital, Kenya
. a336.2-a3a337. 10.1136/ijgc-2023-esgo.707