Anti-Geopolitics Book Chapter

Oslender, U. (2009). Anti-Geopolitics . 1-12 V1-152-V1-158. 10.1016/B978-008044910-4.00758-6

cited authors

  • Oslender, U


  • The term anti-geopolitics emerged in Anglo-American critical geographical writing in the mid-1990s. It conceptualizes those practices, politics, and perspectives that critically set themselves off from dominant modes of geopolitical reasoning and representation. Anti-geopolitics can be seen both as radical politics contesting exploitative relations of domination, such as imperialism and colonialism, and as an alternative perspective that challenges hegemonic ways of seeing and representing, such as in foreign policy discourse. Proponents of anti-geopolitics focus, for example, on anticolonial and anti-imperial struggles, as well as on globalizing resistance movements and networks. Anti-geopolitics as a perspective often places the embodied and gendered dimension of experience in the foreground of analysis, as also suggested in feminist geopolitics. The term anti-geopolitics as such has not found widespread application to date. Its use has mainly been restricted to a handful of writers from the Anglo-American critical geopolitics perspective. This may partly have to do with the seemingly unhelpful dichotomy that the oppositional prefix anti suggests. In any case, anti-geopolitics must be seen as a historically contingent concept that came into use in the 1990s. Rather than being a permanently fixed and valid notion, therefore, it can and maybe should be developed further.

publication date

  • January 1, 2009

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • V1-152-V1-158


  • 1-12