The KiHM-9: A Self-deploying PicoSat Holographic Metasurface Antenna (HMA) Design
Coleman, NM, Skinner, M, Ynchausti, C et al. (2024). The KiHM-9: A Self-deploying PicoSat Holographic Metasurface Antenna (HMA) Design
. 10.2514/6.2024-1429
Coleman, NM, Skinner, M, Ynchausti, C et al. (2024). The KiHM-9: A Self-deploying PicoSat Holographic Metasurface Antenna (HMA) Design
. 10.2514/6.2024-1429
A deployable holographic metasurface antenna design for small satellites is presented. The presented design uses an embedded membrane hinge that does not rely on adhesives, can be cycled repeatedly, and does not take up significant surface area away from the antenna. A novel stabilization method is also integrated which uses magnets for passive stabilization and is demonstrated to be notably flat in a micro-gravity simulated environment. Additionally, a compliant Euler spiral fold is used for integrated, low-profile deployment. The design is then validated using RF testing in an anechoic chamber, and the measured performance is shown to fulfill the expected nominal gain requirement.