An Introduction to Power Electronics Design Methodology Conference

Rafin, SSH, Hussein, H, Mohammed, OA. (2023). An Introduction to Power Electronics Design Methodology . 10.1109/DMC58182.2023.10412603

cited authors

  • Rafin, SSH; Hussein, H; Mohammed, OA



  • The development of effective and dependable electronic systems for a variety of applications, from renewable energy systems and electric vehicles to industrial automation and consumer electronics, depends heavily on power electronics design techniques. Moreover, the power electronics design technique offers a methodical way to create high-performance, dependable, and efficient electronic systems, which helps scholars and engineers address the unique requirements of varied applications while taking thermal management, electromagnetic interference, and safety considerations by integrating theoretical analysis, simulation tools, prototyping, and testing. The effectiveness of this methodology is further increased by the ongoing development of power semiconductor and design methodologies, which makes it possible to realize cutting-edge and environmentally friendly power electronic solutions for the modern world. Considering above mentioned importance, this paper is written as an initial guideline for scholars and engineers to design power electronic systems.

publication date

  • January 1, 2023

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