Correction to: Ongoing declines for the world’s amphibians in the face of emerging threats (Nature, (2023), 622, 7982, (308-314), 10.1038/s41586-023-06578-4) Other Scholarly Work

Luedtke, JA, Chanson, J, Neam, K et al. (2024). Correction to: Ongoing declines for the world’s amphibians in the face of emerging threats (Nature, (2023), 622, 7982, (308-314), 10.1038/s41586-023-06578-4) . NATURE, 625(7993), E2. 10.1038/s41586-023-06851-6

cited authors

  • Luedtke, JA; Chanson, J; Neam, K; Hobin, L; Maciel, AO; Catenazzi, A; Borzée, A; Hamidy, A; Aowphol, A; Jean, A; Sosa-Bartuano, Á; Fong G, A; de Silva, A; Fouquet, A; Angulo, A; Kidov, AA; Muñoz Saravia, A; Diesmos, AC; Tominaga, A; Shrestha, B; Gratwicke, B; Tjaturadi, B; Martínez Rivera, CC; Vásquez Almazán, CR; Señaris, C; Chandramouli, SR; Strüssmann, C; Cortez Fernández, CF; Azat, C; Hoskin, CJ; Hilton-Taylor, C; Whyte, DL; Gower, DJ; Olson, DH; Cisneros-Heredia, DF; Santana, DJ; Nagombi, E; Najafi-Majd, E; Quah, ESH; Bolaños, F; Xie, F; Brusquetti, F; Álvarez, FS; Andreone, F; Glaw, F; Castañeda, FE; Kraus, F; Parra-Olea, G; Chaves, G; Medina-Rangel, GF; González-Durán, G; Ortega-Andrade, HM; Machado, IF; Das, I; Dias, IR; Urbina-Cardona, JN; Crnobrnja-Isailović, J; Yang, JH; Jianping, J; Wangyal, JT; Rowley, JJL; Measey, J; Vasudevan, K; Chan, KO; Gururaja, KV; Ovaska, K; Warr, LC; Canseco-Márquez, L; Toledo, LF; Díaz, LM; Khan, MMH; Meegaskumbura, M; Acevedo, ME; Napoli, MF; Ponce, MA; Vaira, M; Lampo, M; Yánez-Muñoz, MH; Scherz, MD; Rödel, MO; Matsui, M; Fildor, M; Kusrini, MD; Ahmed, MF; Rais, M; Kouamé, NG; García, N; Gonwouo, NL; Burrowes, PA; Imbun, PY; Wagner, P; Kok, PJR; Joglar, RL; Auguste, RJ; Brandão, RA; Ibáñez, R; von May, R; Hedges, SB; Biju, SD; Ganesh, SR


  • Correction to: Nature Published online 4 October 2023 In the version of the article initially published, the first name of Somphouthone Phimmachak appeared incorrectly as Soumphthone. The Data Availability section included the wrong link, which has been updated to These changes have been made in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.

publication date

  • January 4, 2024

published in

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • E2


  • 625


  • 7993