What is Authentic Leadership Development? Book Chapter

Avolio, BJ, Griffith, J, Wernsing, TS et al. (2009). What is Authentic Leadership Development? . 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195335446.013.0004

cited authors

  • Avolio, BJ; Griffith, J; Wernsing, TS; Walumbwa, FO


  • We provide a review of the authentic leadership development (ALD) literature and suggest a framework that articulates how the strategies, contexts, and particular self-regulated behaviors increase individual agentic capacities to move toward higher levels of development. Research on the heritability of leadership and history of leadership interventions is offered to explore the factors involved in genuine leadership development. We describe the science and practice of authentic leadership development to stimulate further research and intervention design.

publication date

  • November 13, 2009