Calcium-binding protein immunoreactivity in Gudden's tegmental nuclei and the hippocampal formation: differential co-localization in neurons projecting to the mammillary bodies
Dillingham, Christopher M, Holmes, Joshua D, Wright, Nicholas F et al. (2015). Calcium-binding protein immunoreactivity in Gudden's tegmental nuclei and the hippocampal formation: differential co-localization in neurons projecting to the mammillary bodies
. 9 10.3389/fnana.2015.00103
Dillingham, Christopher M, Holmes, Joshua D, Wright, Nicholas F et al. (2015). Calcium-binding protein immunoreactivity in Gudden's tegmental nuclei and the hippocampal formation: differential co-localization in neurons projecting to the mammillary bodies
. 9 10.3389/fnana.2015.00103