Rising from the ashes: A new treefrog (Anura, Hylidae, Scinax) from a wildfire-threatened area in the Amazon lowlands of central Peru
Chávez, G, Aznaran, W, García-Ayachi, LA et al. (2023). Rising from the ashes: A new treefrog (Anura, Hylidae, Scinax) from a wildfire-threatened area in the Amazon lowlands of central Peru
. 7(1), 183-194. 10.3897/evolsyst.7.102425
Chávez, G, Aznaran, W, García-Ayachi, LA et al. (2023). Rising from the ashes: A new treefrog (Anura, Hylidae, Scinax) from a wildfire-threatened area in the Amazon lowlands of central Peru
. 7(1), 183-194. 10.3897/evolsyst.7.102425
We describe a new species of tree frog from the middle Ucayali River, Peru. Scinax pyroinguinis sp. nov. is known from two males found in a patch of Amazon rainforest at 160 masl. Externally, the new species is similar to those in the Scinax rostratus group but it differs from all members by having a rounded head from dorsal view without proboscis or pointed tubercle on the tip of the snout, large conical tubercles on upper eyelids and heels, and bright orange blotches and spots on groins, posterior surface of thighs, and shanks. Genetic analysis supports our morphological study and confirms S. pyroinguinis sp nov as a new species, being tentatively the most basal member of the S. rostratus group. The new species is only known from the type locality that is currently threatened by habitat loss caused by wildfires.