Novel PM-Assisted Model of the Two-Layer Sub-Harmonic Synchronous Machines Conference

Sajjad Hossain Rafin, SM, Ali, Q, Mohammed, OA. (2023). Novel PM-Assisted Model of the Two-Layer Sub-Harmonic Synchronous Machines . 10.23919/ACES57841.2023.10114719

cited authors

  • Sajjad Hossain Rafin, SM; Ali, Q; Mohammed, OA



  • In this paper, a new pm-assisted model has been developed for the already introduced two-layer sub-harmonic synchronous machine. This work aims to increase the torque-producing capability of the brushless wound rotor machines while keeping the use of rare earth magnets to a minimum. A 2D finite element analysis has been performed to validate the proposed model and compare the performance with the reference model. The results in the paper demonstrate that the proposed machine's average torque has increased.

publication date

  • January 1, 2023

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