The Distinct Role of Peers and Supervisors in Shaping Officers' Just and Unjust Interactions With Citizens
Peacock, Robert P, Wu, Yuning, Ivkovic, Sanja Kutnjak et al. (2023). The Distinct Role of Peers and Supervisors in Shaping Officers' Just and Unjust Interactions With Citizens
. CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND BEHAVIOR, 50(3), 374-391. 10.1177/00938548221140353
Peacock, Robert P, Wu, Yuning, Ivkovic, Sanja Kutnjak et al. (2023). The Distinct Role of Peers and Supervisors in Shaping Officers' Just and Unjust Interactions With Citizens
. CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND BEHAVIOR, 50(3), 374-391. 10.1177/00938548221140353