Research article Energy consumption of on-device machine learning models for IoT intrusion detection Article

Tekin, Nazli, Acar, Abbas, Aris, Ahmet et al. (2023). Research article Energy consumption of on-device machine learning models for IoT intrusion detection . 21 10.1016/j.iot.2022.100670

Open Access International Collaboration

cited authors

  • Tekin, Nazli; Acar, Abbas; Aris, Ahmet; Uluagac, A Selcuk; Gungor, Vehbi Cagri

publication date

  • April 1, 2023


  • Computer Science
  • Computer Science, Information Systems
  • Energy consumption
  • Engineering
  • Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
  • Intrusion detection
  • IoT
  • On-device machine learning
  • Science & Technology
  • Smart home
  • Technology
  • Telecommunications

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)




  • 21