(Invited) Development of Fuel Cell-Based Electrochemical Micro Gas Sensor for Monitoring Anesthetic Organic Compounds Article

Dong, Dongmei, Landi, Diego, Flores, Emily et al. (2022). (Invited) Development of Fuel Cell-Based Electrochemical Micro Gas Sensor for Monitoring Anesthetic Organic Compounds . MA2022-02(61), 2250-2250. 10.1149/ma2022-02612250mtgabs

cited authors

  • Dong, Dongmei; Landi, Diego; Flores, Emily; Bhansali, Shekhar

publication date

  • October 9, 2022


  • 40 Engineering
  • 4016 Materials Engineering
  • 46 Information and Computing Sciences
  • 4605 Data Management and Data Science
  • Bioengineering
  • Generic health relevance

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)


  • The Electrochemical Society

start page

  • 2250

end page

  • 2250


  • MA2022-02


  • 61