The Ability to Infer Witness Accuracy From High-Confidence Lineup Identifications Is Undermined by the Appearance-Change Instruction and Target Appearance Change
Charman, Steve D, Shambaugh, Laura J, Cahill, Brian S et al. (2022). The Ability to Infer Witness Accuracy From High-Confidence Lineup Identifications Is Undermined by the Appearance-Change Instruction and Target Appearance Change
. PSYCHOLOGY PUBLIC POLICY AND LAW, 28(4), 491-504. 10.1037/law0000368
Charman, Steve D, Shambaugh, Laura J, Cahill, Brian S et al. (2022). The Ability to Infer Witness Accuracy From High-Confidence Lineup Identifications Is Undermined by the Appearance-Change Instruction and Target Appearance Change
. PSYCHOLOGY PUBLIC POLICY AND LAW, 28(4), 491-504. 10.1037/law0000368