Prospective longitudinal study of intentional violence related injury case in tertiary care health center to determine the passive factors for its prevention in society
Chaudhary, RK, Kaur, N, Rai, G et al. (2016). Prospective longitudinal study of intentional violence related injury case in tertiary care health center to determine the passive factors for its prevention in society
. 16(2), 111-114. 10.5958/0974-1283.2016.00070.0
Chaudhary, RK, Kaur, N, Rai, G et al. (2016). Prospective longitudinal study of intentional violence related injury case in tertiary care health center to determine the passive factors for its prevention in society
. 16(2), 111-114. 10.5958/0974-1283.2016.00070.0
In our day today activities we all are facing intentional violence related activities; may be because many people believe that violence is the most effective way of solving the problems. Therefore in this study we have tried to find out certain passive factors like time of violence and type of areas /location preferred for intentional violence so that government/ law enforcing agencies can take specific measures for its prevention. All the Medico-legal cases of Intentional violence which came to emergency in my duty hours over a period of 2 years were included in the study. It was observed that violence related injuries occurred mostly in the evening hours. Most of the cases i.e. 77.5 % were brought by the relatives directly to the hospital followed only by 15.5 % by police. The maximum cases of violence whether it is youth violence or enmity type of violence the most common place of occurrence is open place (field/ play ground). To the curb the intentional violence related activities there is need to create more people friendly environment and identifying these the hot spots and time of violence in their own city by law enforcing that area.