Salehi, Seyed Milad, Karimi, Hajir, Dastranj, Ali Akbar
et al. (2017). Twin Rectangular Fork-Like Capacitance Sensor to Flow Regime Identification in Horizontal Co-Current Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow
IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 17(15), 4834-4842. 10.1109/JSEN.2017.2708663
Salehi, Seyed Milad, Karimi, Hajir, Dastranj, Ali Akbar et al. (2017). Twin Rectangular Fork-Like Capacitance Sensor to Flow Regime Identification in Horizontal Co-Current Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow
. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 17(15), 4834-4842. 10.1109/JSEN.2017.2708663