Thermoloop Heat Transfer Technology is a new, highly efficient, passive and phase-change heat transfer technology. Device utilizing this technology is called Thermoloop device. Thermoloop device does not use capillary pump or gravity For condensate return. Pressure increase clue to evaporation and pressure decrease due to condensation inside the device is mechanically utilized for vapor transfer and condensate return in a closed loop path for thermal energy transportation. Thermoloop device is able to overcome some of the major performance limitations of existing passive phase-change heat transfer devices, and significantly increase heat transfer capacity. Typical heat flux of a Thermoloop device useful for electronics cooling is in the range of 500-1000 W/cm2, compared to 50-100 W/cm2 of a comparable heat pipe. Nucleate pool boiling takes place inside evaporator of this device at constant pressure, so the device is able to maintain almost constant evaporator temperature at variable thermal load. Due to strong vapor transfer and strong condensate return force, this device can operate almost independent of gravity and orientation, and can transfer heat over longer distance with lower temperature drop. In this paper, a Thermoloop device, its operating principal, performance dependencies and comparison to heat pipe are described, and test results of a Thermoloop device useful for high end computers are provided.