The purpose of the study to predict the coronary arterial disease by exercise treadmill scoring system and to see the correlation of angiographic extent of coronary artery disease by high treadmill score in our country. The present prospective study carried out in the department of cardiology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, University Cardiac Centre during the period of January 2006 to July 2006. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria a total of 80 patient of chronic stable angina or chest pain evaluation having positive ETT who were admitted in university cardiac centre in Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University and underwent coronary angiogram within one month were the study population. Among 80 subjects 60(75%) were male and 20(25%) were female and male: female ratio 3:1 Mean age of male subject 51.37±9.08 years and mean age of female subjects were 43.75±7.67 years. Three quarter of the subject had the history of typical anginal pain followed by 21.3% atypical and 3.8% pain of non-anginal origin. All the risk factors like, dyslipidemia (90%), HTN (68.8%) past smoker (45%), current smoker (32.5%), diabetes (36.3%), family history of coronary artery disease (25%) and sudden death of first degree relatives (8.8%); dyslipidemia was the highest percentage. Among 80 subjects more than one third 35% (28) of the subjects were observed to be normal by angiogram, 28.8% (23) had SVD, 16.3% (13) DVD and 20% (16) TVD. Approximately 70% of the significant stenosis was predicted as having high probability of 30.8% as intermediate probability and none as low probability with exercise test scores. Multi-vessel coronary artery disease were predicted by high probability exercise test score 82.8%. Thus high probability score needs urgent coronary angiogram.