Dispersion and birefringence properties of a novel As2Se 3 photonic crystal fiber nanowire
Hasan, DMN, Shah Alam, M, Mohsin, KM et al. (2010). Dispersion and birefringence properties of a novel As2Se 3 photonic crystal fiber nanowire
. 10.1109/PGC.2010.5706135
Hasan, DMN, Shah Alam, M, Mohsin, KM et al. (2010). Dispersion and birefringence properties of a novel As2Se 3 photonic crystal fiber nanowire
. 10.1109/PGC.2010.5706135
In this paper, we have characterized a mid-IR nonlinear photonic device consisting of a highly nonlinear As2Se3 nanowire and a novel photonic crystal structure on silica clad. The lowest optical confinement was found about 60% over the entire bandwidth for an optimum nanowire radius of 600 nm. The highest anomalous GVD obtained was about 1348 ps/nm.km with the lowest anomalous GVD bandwidth of around 2500 nm. The lowest nonlinearity obtained was on the order of 104 W-1km-1 , which ensures that the device is ideal for mid-IR super-continuum (SC) generation. It has been found that a birefringence about 30000 times higher than that of a circular nanowire may be obtained due to only 5% deformation of the nanowire. A relationship between the peak value of birefringence and nanowire ellipticity has been obtained for a certain design parameter. Finally, supercontinuum simulation has been conducted to realize the effects of high anomalous dispersion accompanied by ultra-high nonlinearity.