Performance Analysis and Comparison of Silicon and Silica Nanowire Based Biochemical Sensors Conference

Rahman, I, Gupta, P, Tisha, ZT et al. (2019). Performance Analysis and Comparison of Silicon and Silica Nanowire Based Biochemical Sensors . 10.1109/ICTP48844.2019.9041705

cited authors

  • Rahman, I; Gupta, P; Tisha, ZT; Mouna, ST; Alam, MS


  • In this work, we have analyzed the performance of silica and silicon nanowire based biosensors for sensing different biochemical materials having the refractive index in between 1.4673 and 1.37835. Different optical mode properties such as propagation constant, confinement factor, and fractional power within the specimen have been calculated for both the nanowires considering Mach Zehnder Interferometer based sensing structures. Finally, the sensitivities of both the sensors have been evaluated using modal properties.

publication date

  • December 1, 2019

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