6thSense: A Context-aware Sensor-based Attack Detector for Smart Devices Preprint

Sikder, Amit Kumar, Aksu, Hidayet, Uluagac, A Selcuk. (2017). 6thSense: A Context-aware Sensor-based Attack Detector for Smart Devices . 10.48550/arxiv.1706.10220

cited authors

  • Sikder, Amit Kumar; Aksu, Hidayet; Uluagac, A Selcuk


publication date

  • June 30, 2017


  • 46 Information and Computing Sciences
  • 4604 Cybersecurity and Privacy
  • 4605 Data Management and Data Science
  • 4606 Distributed Computing and Systems Software
  • 4608 Human-Centred Computing
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)