The effectiveness of the Minnesota Model approach in the treatment of adolescent drug abusers Article

Winters, KC, Stinchfield, RD, Opland, E et al. (2000). The effectiveness of the Minnesota Model approach in the treatment of adolescent drug abusers . ADDICTION, 95(4), 601-612. 10.1046/j.1360-0443.2000.95460111.x

cited authors

  • Winters, KC; Stinchfield, RD; Opland, E; Weller, C; Latimer, WW



  • Aims. The treatment outcome of drug-abusing adolescents treated with a 12-Step approach. Design. The study compares drug use outcome data at 6 and 12 months post-treatment among three groups of adolescents: those who completed treatment, those who did not and those on a waiting list. Also, among treatment completers, residential and outpatient samples were compared on outcome. Setting. The treatment site is located in the Minneapolis/St Paul area of Minnesota. Participants. Two hundred and forty-five drug clinic- referred adolescents (12-18 years old), all of whom met at least one DSM-III- R substance dependence disorder. One hundred and seventy-nine subjects received either complete or incomplete 12-Step, Minnesota Model treatment and 66 were waiting list subjects. Measurements. In addition to demographics and clinical background variables, measures included treatment involvement, treatment setting and drug use frequency at intake and follow-up. Findings. Absolute and relative outcome analyses indicated that completing treatment was associated with far superior outcome compared to those who did not complete treatment or receive any at all. The percentage of treatment completers who reported either abstinence or a minor lapse for the 12 months following treatment was 53%, compared to 15 and 28% for the incompleter and waiting list groups, respectively. Conclusions. Favorable treatment outcome for drug abuse was about two to three times more likely if treatment was completed. Also, there were no outcome differences between residential and outpatient groups. Alcohol was the most common drug used during the follow-up period, despite cannabis being the preferred drug at intake.

publication date

  • January 1, 2000

published in

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 601

end page

  • 612


  • 95


  • 4