Assessing the extent of crime displacement and diffusion of benefits: A review of situational crime prevention evaluations Book Chapter

Guerette, RT, Bower, KJ. (2017). Assessing the extent of crime displacement and diffusion of benefits: A review of situational crime prevention evaluations . 529-566.

cited authors

  • Guerette, RT; Bower, KJ



  • Few criticisms of situational crime-prevention (SCP) efforts are as frequent or prevalent as claims of displacement. Despite emerging evidence to the contrary, the prevailing sentiment seems to be that crime displacement is inevitable. This study examined I 02 evaluations of situationally focused crime-prevention projects in an effort to determine the extent to which crime displacement was observed. The results indicate that of the 102 studies that examined (or allowed for examination of) displacement and diffusion effects, there were 574 observations. Displacement was observed in 26 percent of those observations. The opposite of displacement, diffusion of benefit, was observed in 27 percent of the observations. Moreover, the analysis of 13 studies, which allowed for assessment of overall outcomes of the prevention project while taking into account spatial displacement and diffusion effects, revealed that when spatial displacement did occur, it tended to be less than the treatment effect, suggesting that the intervention was still beneficial. Implications for theory and future research are discussed.

publication date

  • July 5, 2017

start page

  • 529

end page

  • 566