The Longitudinal Influence of Caregiver Dispositional Mindful Attention on Mindful Parenting, Parenting Practices, and Youth Psychopathology Preprint

Parent, Justin, Dale, Chelsea, McKee, Laura et al. The Longitudinal Influence of Caregiver Dispositional Mindful Attention on Mindful Parenting, Parenting Practices, and Youth Psychopathology . 10.31234/

cited authors

  • Parent, Justin; Dale, Chelsea; McKee, Laura; Sullivan, Alexandra DW



  • 3 Good Health and Well Being
  • 52 Psychology
  • 5203 Clinical and Health Psychology
  • 5205 Social and Personality Psychology
  • Behavioral and Social Science
  • Clinical Research
  • Mental Health
  • Mental health
  • Mind and Body
  • Pediatric
  • Prevention

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