Importance of Immediate Electronic-based Feedback to Enhance Feedback for First-time CPR Trainees Preprint

Misztal-Okońska, Patrycja, Goniewicz, Krzysztof, Goniewicz, Mariusz et al. Importance of Immediate Electronic-based Feedback to Enhance Feedback for First-time CPR Trainees . 10.21203/

cited authors

  • Misztal-Okońska, Patrycja; Goniewicz, Krzysztof; Goniewicz, Mariusz; Ranse, Jamie; Hertelendy, Attila; Gray, Lesley; Sørensen, Jarle Løwe; Carlström, Eric; Khorram-Manesh, Amir


  • 4 Quality Education
  • 42 Health Sciences
  • 4203 Health Services and Systems
  • Cardiovascular
  • Clinical Research
  • Emergency Care
  • Heart Disease

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