Enhancing the Effectiveness of Contact Tracing Interviews Using Psychological Science Preprint

Evans, Jacqueline R, Dawson, Haley, Chae, Hana et al. Enhancing the Effectiveness of Contact Tracing Interviews Using Psychological Science . 10.31234/osf.io/r5cht

cited authors

  • Evans, Jacqueline R; Dawson, Haley; Chae, Hana; Goldfarb, Deborah; Fisher, Ronald P; Dianiska, Rachel Elizabeth; Meissner, Christian A


  • 3 Good Health and Well Being
  • 46 Information and Computing Sciences
  • 4608 Human-Centred Computing
  • 52 Psychology
  • Behavioral and Social Science
  • Clinical Research
  • Mental Health

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