Management Implications and Applications of Long-Term Ecological Research Book Chapter

Lugo, AE, Scatena, FN, Waide, RB et al. (2015). Management Implications and Applications of Long-Term Ecological Research . 10.1093/acprof:osobl/9780195334692.003.0007

cited authors

  • Lugo, AE; Scatena, FN; Waide, RB; Greathouse, EA; Pringle, CM; Willig, MR; Vogt, KA; Walker, LR; González, G; McDowell, WH; Thompson, J


  • This chapter illustrates the contributions of the Long-Term Ecological Research to the growing awareness of the management of Puerto Rican government in conserving Luquillo Mountains' ecosystem. It also highlights the activities in the Luquillo Experimental Forest (LEF) by addressing the tropical forest conservation issues and relating these to the recurring disturbances experienced by the locality. Finally, it outlines the application of the research to test the accumulated ecological information in anticipating future needs and priorities.

publication date

  • May 8, 2015

International Standard Book Number (ISBN) 13