The Effects of Positive Affect and Episodic Future Thinking on Temporal Discounting and Healthy Food Demand and Choice Among Overweight and Obese Individuals: Protocol for a Pilot 2×2 Factorial Randomized Controlled Study (Preprint)
Levens, Sara M, Sagui-Henson, Sara J, Padro, Meagan et al. The Effects of Positive Affect and Episodic Future Thinking on Temporal Discounting and Healthy Food Demand and Choice Among Overweight and Obese Individuals: Protocol for a Pilot 2×2 Factorial Randomized Controlled Study (Preprint)
. 10.2196/preprints.12265
Levens, Sara M, Sagui-Henson, Sara J, Padro, Meagan et al. The Effects of Positive Affect and Episodic Future Thinking on Temporal Discounting and Healthy Food Demand and Choice Among Overweight and Obese Individuals: Protocol for a Pilot 2×2 Factorial Randomized Controlled Study (Preprint)
. 10.2196/preprints.12265
Levens, Sara M; Sagui-Henson, Sara J; Padro, Meagan; Martin, Laura E; Trucco, Elisa M; Cooperman, Nina A; Baldwin, Austin S; Kassianos, Angelos P; Mdege, Noreen D