Post-Covid-19 tourism: perspectives for sustainable tourism in Brazil, USA and Spain Article

Fontoura, Leandro Martins, Lusby, Carolin, Romagosa, Francesc Casals. (2020). Post-Covid-19 tourism: perspectives for sustainable tourism in Brazil, USA and Spain . 14(4), 16-28. 10.17648/raoit.v14n4.6654

cited authors

  • Fontoura, Leandro Martins; Lusby, Carolin; Romagosa, Francesc Casals


publication date

  • December 21, 2020


  • 35 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services
  • 3504 Commercial Services
  • 3506 Marketing
  • 3508 Tourism
  • 44 Human Society
  • 4406 Human Geography
  • Coronaviruses
  • Coronaviruses Disparities and At-Risk Populations
  • Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • Infectious Diseases

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)


  • NĂșcleo de Pesquisa em Turismo da Unigranrio

start page

  • 16

end page

  • 28


  • 14


  • 4