Millimeter Wave Antenna Design for On-Chip Electro-Optical Sensing Devices Using Optical Up-Conversion Conference

Akhiyat, A, Gaire, P, Volakis, JL. (2021). Millimeter Wave Antenna Design for On-Chip Electro-Optical Sensing Devices Using Optical Up-Conversion . 57. 10.23919/USNC-URSIRSM52661.2021.9552338

cited authors

  • Akhiyat, A; Gaire, P; Volakis, JL


  • Advances in Electro-Optics (EO) in terms of materials and micro-and-nanofabrication processes have provided new capabilities for EO sensing devices. These new capabilities include increased sensitivity, tolerance to electromagnetic interference, and higher bandwidth performance. One such widely used device is the electro-optic modulator (EOM). EOM makes use of an incident RF signal to modulate an optical carrier. In a functional EOM, the modulation take place within the active optical area of the nonlinear EO device material. These nonlinear EO materials have an electro-optic effect properties. Examples of these materials are nonlinear polymers and lithium niobate (LN).

publication date

  • August 9, 2021

start page

  • 57