Characterization of seven microsatellite marker loci in a genus of Malagasy lemurs (Propithecus) Article

Mayor, MI, Sommer, JA, Huebinger, RM et al. (2002). Characterization of seven microsatellite marker loci in a genus of Malagasy lemurs (Propithecus) . MOLECULAR ECOLOGY NOTES, 2(4), 385-388. 10.1046/j.1471-8286.2002.00177.x

cited authors

  • Mayor, MI; Sommer, JA; Huebinger, RM; Barber, RC; Louis, EE



  • The sifakas (genus Propithecus) are large, diurnal, lemurs endemic to the island of Madagascar. Throughout the island, lemur species are particularly vulnerable to extinction due to relatively small geographical ranges (Martin 2000). Thus, understanding the taxonomy of these highly endangered primates is essential for taking appropriate conservation action. For this study we collected tissue samples from 68 wild sifakas representing various Propithecus species. Genomic DNA was isolated and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification was carried out. We describe seven microsatellites found to be polymorphic and useful for analysis of the population genetics of sifakas.

publication date

  • December 1, 2002

published in

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 385

end page

  • 388


  • 2


  • 4