Leadership factors for athletic trainers Article

Kutz, MR. (2008). Leadership factors for athletic trainers . ATHLETIC THERAPY TODAY, 13(4), 15-20. 10.1123/att.13.4.15

cited authors

  • Kutz, MR



  • Leadership in athletic training involves various competencies that are difficult to delineate in a concise manner. The leadership factors that have been outlined in this report are not necessarily entry-level professional behaviors. Many of the leadership factors and their associated behaviors are gradually developed through experience. Athletic training educators can initiate student acquisition of leadership attributes by performing an assessment of the extent to which a student possesses each of the six leadership factors. Athletic training educators should present a variety of leadership theories (Table 3), and students should respond to a sequence of open-ended questions about scenarios that may identify students' biases, thinking processes, or frameworks associated with the leadership factors (the box on p. 20 presents an example). Students can then be challenged to assume a leadership role in clinical assignments. For example, a student could be assigned as the primary liaison between the head athletic trainer and head coach. Assessment of progress in attaining leadership qualities might involve a self-reflection journal and mentor observations. Teaching leadership can be done in a manner similar to teaching clinical skills, actually make a student do it. © 2008 Human Kinetics - ATT.

publication date

  • January 1, 2008

published in

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 15

end page

  • 20


  • 13


  • 4