An Ultra-Wideband Origami Microwave Absorber Conference

Biswas, A, Zekios, CL, Georgakopoulos, SV. (2021). An Ultra-Wideband Origami Microwave Absorber . 10.1109/WAMICON47156.2021.9443602

cited authors

  • Biswas, A; Zekios, CL; Georgakopoulos, SV


  • In this work, an ultra-wideband microwave absorber based on a Tachi-Miura Polyhedron (TMP) origami structure is presented. By appropriately folding the TMP at a specific angle, the proposed absorber acts as a honeycomb design, thereby offering superior absorption performance compared to the stateof-the-art absorbers. Specifically, it exhibits an absorptivity of more than 90% in the wide frequency band of 1.22 GHz to 30 GHz for both transverse electric (TE), and transverse magnetic (TM) waves. A fractional bandwidth of 1.84 is supported that proved the ultra-wideband absorption.

publication date

  • April 28, 2021

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