Rapid species and river-of-origin determination for matamata turtles (Chelus sp.) using real-time PCR: Facilitating rapid return of trafficked specimens back to the wild Article

Cardenosa, Diego, Chapman, Demian D, Robles, Yurby L et al. (2021). Rapid species and river-of-origin determination for matamata turtles (Chelus sp.) using real-time PCR: Facilitating rapid return of trafficked specimens back to the wild . AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS, 31(9), 2586-2593. 10.1002/aqc.3613

International Collaboration

cited authors

  • Cardenosa, Diego; Chapman, Demian D; Robles, Yurby L; Ussa, Diego A; Caballero, Susana

publication date

  • September 1, 2021


  • Environmental Sciences
  • Environmental Sciences & Ecology
  • Life Sciences & Biomedicine
  • Marine & Freshwater Biology
  • Physical Sciences
  • Science & Technology
  • Water Resources
  • genetic tracking
  • matamata turtle
  • quantitative polymerase chain reaction
  • translocation
  • wildlife forensics
  • wildlife trafficking

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)



start page

  • 2586

end page

  • 2593


  • 31


  • 9