The Place of Holocaust Survivor Videotestimony: Navigating the Landmarks of First-Person Audio-Visual Representation
Book Chapter
Stier, OB. (2020). The Place of Holocaust Survivor Videotestimony: Navigating the Landmarks of First-Person Audio-Visual Representation
. 669-686. 10.1007/978-3-030-33428-4_36
Stier, OB. (2020). The Place of Holocaust Survivor Videotestimony: Navigating the Landmarks of First-Person Audio-Visual Representation
. 669-686. 10.1007/978-3-030-33428-4_36
This chapter investigates the place of survivor videotestimonies in the landscape of Holocaust representation, particularly the archival spaces that house and contain them, and the Internet and virtual spaces that extend and exceed those archival containers, bringing these audio-visual narratives into the viewer’s home, office, or classroom. The place of testimony includes the spaces in which testimony is given-from DP camps immediately after the war to tastefully decorated living rooms long after-and the spaces indexed in the course of giving testimony-transports and camps, forests and other hiding places, and homes lost and never regained. Videotestimony becomes the space in which narrated memories of home in the past clash with images of home in the present-spaces and places that mark the landscape of the testimonial narrative.