A Nonisolated Soft-Switched DC-DC Converter Based on Semiactive Voltage Rectifier with PWM Plus Phase Shift Control for Renewable Energy Systems
Moradisizkoohi, Hadi, Mohammed, Osama. (2020). A Nonisolated Soft-Switched DC-DC Converter Based on Semiactive Voltage Rectifier with PWM Plus Phase Shift Control for Renewable Energy Systems
Moradisizkoohi, Hadi, Mohammed, Osama. (2020). A Nonisolated Soft-Switched DC-DC Converter Based on Semiactive Voltage Rectifier with PWM Plus Phase Shift Control for Renewable Energy Systems
20th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC) / 4th IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe Conference (I and CPS Europe)