PCB and PBDE contamination in Tursiops truncatus and Stenella frontalis, two data-deficient threatened dolphin species from the Brazilian coast
Lavandier, Ricardo, Areas, Jennifer, Quinete, Natalia et al. (2019). PCB and PBDE contamination in Tursiops truncatus and Stenella frontalis, two data-deficient threatened dolphin species from the Brazilian coast
. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, 167 485-493. 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.10.045
Lavandier, Ricardo, Areas, Jennifer, Quinete, Natalia et al. (2019). PCB and PBDE contamination in Tursiops truncatus and Stenella frontalis, two data-deficient threatened dolphin species from the Brazilian coast
. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, 167 485-493. 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.10.045