Calibration of low cost, portable Mueller Matrix polarimeter Conference

Gonzalez, M, Montejo, K, Krupp, K et al. (2018). Calibration of low cost, portable Mueller Matrix polarimeter . Part F91-TRANSLATIONAL 2018 10.1364/TRANSLATIONAL.2018.JTu3A.6

cited authors

  • Gonzalez, M; Montejo, K; Krupp, K; Srinivas, V; DeHoog, E; Chue-Sang, J; Sevilla, N; Madhivanan, P; Ramella-Roman, J


  • A low-cost, portable Mueller Matrix polarimeter is proposed for diagnosis of cervical cancer in low resource settings. Calibration is conducted with two different methods. Errors associated with this instrument and calibration method are evaluated.

publication date

  • January 1, 2018

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)


  • Part F91-TRANSLATIONAL 2018