Residents of Anniston, Alabama were highly exposed to PCBs released from a nearby manufacturing plant from the 1950s or earlier into the 1970s. Exposures probably declined during the 1980s and 1990s following reductions in releases and declined even further in the late 1990s following remediation steps and increased awareness of residents. In 1995, congener-specific serum PCB analysis of 24 residents revealed a high proportion of octa- and nonachlorobiphenyls, reflecting and documenting the high exposure early in life. Additional serum samples were drawn in September, 2000 from 12 residents spanning age, gender and exposure group. More sensitive analysis of these samples confirmed the aged residue pattern and permitted further interpretations. The most important implications include the following: 1) Increased proportions of octa- and nonachlorobiphenyls indicated that some serum residues levels had been >1,000 ppb in the past; 2) Detectable levels of episodic congeners in some residents indicated that they were being currently exposed, most likely to airborne PCBs; 3) Children removed from recent exposures had decreased levels consistent with dilution of perinatal residues by growth, while body weight reduction correlated with an increased current concentration in an adult resident 4) One child had a high serum residue level, possibly reflecting both high perinatal exposure and modest recent exposure;.