Computational simulation and analysis of major control parameters of time-dependent PV/T collectors
Shi, J, Lin, CX. (2019). Computational simulation and analysis of major control parameters of time-dependent PV/T collectors
. 8 10.1115/IMECE2019-12184
Shi, J, Lin, CX. (2019). Computational simulation and analysis of major control parameters of time-dependent PV/T collectors
. 8 10.1115/IMECE2019-12184
In order to improve performance of photovoltaic/thermal (or PV/T for simplicity) collectors, this paper firstly validated a previous computational thermal model and then introduced an improved computational thermal model to investigate the effects of the major control parameters on the thermal performance of PV/T collectors, including solar cell temperature, back surface temperature, and outlet water temperature. Besides, a computational electrical model of PV/T system was also introduced to elaborate the relationship of voltage, current and power of a PV module (MSX60 polycrystalline solar cell) used in an experiment in the literature. Simulation results agree with the experimental data very well. The effects of the time-steps from 1 hour to minute, which is closed to the real time, were also reported. At last, several suggestions to improve the efficiency of PV/T system were illustrated.