A user-modeling approach to build user's psycho-physiological maps of emotions using bio-sensors Conference

Villon, O, Lisetti, C. (2006). A user-modeling approach to build user's psycho-physiological maps of emotions using bio-sensors . 269-276. 10.1109/ROMAN.2006.314429

cited authors

  • Villon, O; Lisetti, C


  • Near to real-time emotion recognition is a promising task for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and HumanRobot Interaction (HRI). Using knowledge about the user's emotions depends upon the possibility to extract information about users' emotions during HCI or HRI without explicitely asking users about the feelings they are experiencing. To be able to sense the user's emotions without interrupting the HCI, we present a new method applied to the emotional experience of the user for extracting semantic information from the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) signals associated with emotions. We use the concepts of 1st person - where the subject consciously (and subjectively) extracts the semantic meaning of a given lived experience, e.g. 'I felt amused') - and 3rd person approach - where the experimenter interprets the semantic meaning of the subject's experience from a set of externally (and objectively) measured variables (e.g. galvanic skin response measures) - Based on the 3rd person approach, our technique aims at psychologically interpreting physiological parameters (skin conductance and heart rate), and at producing a continuous extraction of the user's affective state during HCI or HRI. We also combine it with the 1st person approach measure which allows a tailored interpretation of the physiological measure closely related to the user own emotional experience. ©2006 IEEE.

publication date

  • December 1, 2006

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 269

end page

  • 276