Believable agents, engagement, and health interventions Conference

Lisetti, CL. (2011). Believable agents, engagement, and health interventions . 174 CCIS(PART 2), 425-432. 10.1007/978-3-642-22095-1_86

cited authors

  • Lisetti, CL


  • In this article we review some of the main contributions that the believable agents community has brought about and we review some of the main believable agent architectures existing to date. We also discuss the enormous potential that believable agents can bring in the domain of health, including health communication, health promotion, health counseling and psychotherapy. We discuss some of our work-in-progress aimed at building believable agents with dialog abilities to conduct supportive healthcare interventions for the management of chronic diseases and addiction issues. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.

publication date

  • July 21, 2011

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 425

end page

  • 432


  • 174 CCIS


  • PART 2