A Forensic Entomological Analysis Can Yield an Estimate of Postmortem Interval, and Not Just a Minimum Postmortem Interval: An Explanation and Illustration Using a Case
Wells, Jeffrey D. (2019). A Forensic Entomological Analysis Can Yield an Estimate of Postmortem Interval, and Not Just a Minimum Postmortem Interval: An Explanation and Illustration Using a Case
. JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES, 64(2), 634-637. 10.1111/1556-4029.13912
Wells, Jeffrey D. (2019). A Forensic Entomological Analysis Can Yield an Estimate of Postmortem Interval, and Not Just a Minimum Postmortem Interval: An Explanation and Illustration Using a Case
. JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES, 64(2), 634-637. 10.1111/1556-4029.13912