The Social Dimension in Language Development: A Rich History and a New Frontier
Book Chapter
Pruden, SM, Hirsh-Pasek, K, Golinkoff, RM. (2012). The Social Dimension in Language Development: A Rich History and a New Frontier
. 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195168716.003.0005
Pruden, SM, Hirsh-Pasek, K, Golinkoff, RM. (2012). The Social Dimension in Language Development: A Rich History and a New Frontier
. 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195168716.003.0005
This chapter suggests a strong correlation between social and cognitive development. The emergentist coalition model (ECM) is a useful tool in reevaluating our concept of the relationship between social cognition and language in typical populations. The model could aid us in gaining a better understanding of how the behaviours interrelate in atypical populations and may point to the new frontier of research in language and neuropsychology. The ECM approach is not limited to the mere search for a single-factor explanation for language development. It motivates consideration of multiple correlated factors when analyzing complex behaviour, and the search for both the biological foundations of language and the role of the interacting factors along the path toward language competence.